Android's Digital Well-Being: 3 Features to Boost Your Productivity Game

Saad Israr
4 min readSep 16, 2023


Source | Pexels (All 3)

The masses commonly purchase Android phones. It is the most popular mobile operating system in developing countries. This is likely due to its affordability and wide range of features.

Android users are more likely to be entrepreneurial and use their phones to start businesses. It's almost a given that they would want to lead more productive lives. Android users are likelier to use productivity apps and features than iOS users. These can help them not only save a lot of time but be super productive as well. For example, a study by The University of Sheffield found that people who used task management apps were 28% more productive than those who did not.

But what if you were told that you can utilize some productivity features in your Android that you don't even know about? Curious, aren't you?

Well then, let's learn about 3 Useful Android Features to Boost Your Productivity Game!

Digital Well-being and Parental Controls

One of the most underrated Android features is Parental Control and Well-being. It comes preinstalled on Android 12 devices and above. But, sadly, most people don't even know about it, nor are they aware of its countless benefits.

Source | Screenshot (My Own Device)

There are a ton of features that Digital Well-being and Parental Controls has in store for you. These vary from screen time to app timers and notifications to focus mode - and whatnot!? The most valuable features entitled to Digital Well-Being are as follows:

1. Bedtime Mode

Source | Screenshot (My Own Device)

Just how much screen time do you or your kids have each day? The average American adult spends 7 hours and 4 minutes per day looking at a screen, and the average American child or adolescent spends 7.5 hours per day looking at a screen.

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), up to 90% of people who use digital devices for extended periods experience symptoms of digital eye strain.

This is certainly no laughing matter. Keeping that in mind, Android's Digital Well-being has a feature that is just made to reduce eye strain. This feature is called "Bedtime Mode".

Apparently, turning Bedtime Mode on makes the screen go "Black and White" or "Grayscale." During this time, all the apps and images, configurations, animations, and everything on the screen all in all, appear black and white. And since there is no blue light, there is significantly less strain caused on the eyes, which is a fantastic benefit health-wise.

Many people have reported that using grayscale/bedtime mode has made them more conscious of their time. It has also increased their productivity because the screens don't cause so much eye strain as without bedtime mode.

So, if you want a healthy vision and boost your productivity (without damaging your eyes), turning Bedtime Mode on might be the best solution for you!

2. Focus Mode

Source | Screenshot (My Own Device)

Do you think you waste a lot of time on your phone and that too on unnecessary things? 39% of employees feel the smartphone is the greatest time-wasting tool at work. Moreover, 66% of US workers feel that their productivity has decreased due to cell phone usage.

Wasting time on phones nowadays is as common as eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It has become a habit of the masses. They have become highly addicted to their smartphones as a result.

That's why Digital Wellbeing introduces a straightforward yet powerful feature - Focus Mode. But what's it about? Exactly what it sounds like and more!

When you turn "Focus Mode" on, it puts a lock on your most used or most distracting apps. Not only that, but you can also choose which apps you want to lock. But don't worry; you can still access these apps but with a time limit. When Focus Mode is on, you can only use a locked app for five minutes. The app will automatically turn off after this set amount of time.

But what's great about it? You don't get distracted! There's a reason why it's called Focus Mode. It blocks all app notifications so you don't get distracted. Be it phone calls, WhatsApp messages, Facebook notifications, or Instagram updates, if it's in Focus Mode, you will be the owner of your time (instead of these apps).

Turn on Focus Mode and control your time by limiting the usage of time-consuming apps! Turn Focus Mode off when you finish your work. Otherwise, let it be and embrace productivity!


Digital Well-being is a fantastic feature of Android that has set a well-established pattern to follow, especially for people who want to take control of their time and be more productive.

Let your time be yours by embracing the valuable features of Digital Wellbeing In Android, and take hold of your dreams! Boost your productivity often by turning your phone a dull gray or tuning in some focus time.



Saad Israr

Professional Content Writer | Aspiring MDCAT Improver | Future Doctor