Plaque Psoriasis: It's Symptoms, Treatment and How You Can Prevent it

Saad Israr
4 min readAug 10, 2023


Skin diseases are quite common world-wide. Ranging from simplest of pimples & acne to Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) that can be quite fatal if not treated quickly and adequately.

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One of the most common skin diseases is Plaque Psoriasis. Being an autoimmune skin condition, it's the source of itchiness and discomfort for the patient. It comes out of nowhere and is incurable. It has many types but we'll discuss it at surface level, Psoriasis symptoms, treatment and preventive measures briefly.

Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis symptoms include skin plaques. Plaques look like a rash or an up-leveled skin surface. It is discoloured, scaly or flaky and it sheds easily.

Other than skin plaques, there are a few more symptoms to look out for, such as:

  • Itchiness on skin.
  • Dry skin or cracked skin.
  • Painful skin.
  • Cracking of nails (nails might get pitted or seem to be crumbling, cracking).
  • Pain in joints.
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Scratching skin might create an opening, causing bleeding and/or infection. If you are experiencing severe pain, swelling and a fever, you might be at risk of an infection. In this case, consulting a certified professional should be the best course of action.

Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

There are several treatment options available to treat Psoriasis symptoms and relieve the pain. Some of the very common plaque psoriasis treatments are as follows:

  • Steroid creams.
  • For dry skin, moisturizers are the best option.
  • Medications that slow down skin cell production (e.g., Anthralin etc.).
  • Lotions and shampoos that have medicated ingredients.
  • Vitamin D3 creams.
  • Vitamin A or retinoid ointment.
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Creams and ointments are best for rashes and scraps at small affected areas. These treatment options help alleviate the skin pain and provide for a quick relief. However, if you are experiencing greater discomfort, it's best to consult your healthcare physician.

Preventive Measures for Plaque Psoriasis

At the moment, there is no cure for Plaque Psoriasis. Still, there are numerous ways to prevent a flare-up to prevent an outbreak of Psoriasis.

  • Take care of your skin. Some people have sensitive skin so it is way easier for them to have a flare-up. But if they take care of their skin, they can potentially avoid Plaque Psoriasis altogether.
  • Use a humidifier. Using a humidifier is necessary when the air inside your house is dry. Using a humidifier can help keep the air moist. The moist atmosphere will help your skin form going dry. This in turn, will help you prevent Psoriasis flare-ups.
  • Do not use medications that can cause flare-ups. Yes, there are a few medications that can trigger flare-ups that lead to Psoriasis. Some of them are Lithium, Propranolol and Quinidine.
  • Avoid stressful activities. Stress is another trigger for flare-ups. That is why it is important to take care of one's mental and emotional health.
  • Be careful of scrapes, cuts and infections. Cuts and scrapes, even if low-grade, can lead to Psoriasis. That is why you have to be careful and avoid any situations that can lead to cuts and scrapes.

Wrapping it Up

Plaque Psoriasis is a difficult skin condition to live with. Therefore, it is always best to not only follow your healthcare physician's advice but also keep yourself up-to-date with available information about this skin condition.

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Acquiring relevant knowledge about it will make you self-aware and cautious of various symptoms and conditions. This will help you recognize and track your skin better as well as make it easier to communicate with your doctor.

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Saad Israr

Professional Content Writer | Aspiring MDCAT Improver | Future Doctor